Thursday, March 5, 2009

Some guy in DA sent me a message asking me if i'm interested to be an artist for their flash game/movie based website .
Never encountered these situations over the net before ,this is my 1st time and i wasn't sure what to do , i was happy when he sent that message , cant believe someone actually would appreciate my work and to be asked to join their community.Yeah i know this is so stupid , happy over small little things , not an award or anything but to me its really important , cuz any little thing could be a chance and i don't wanna miss any of it if i can :<


Anonymous said...

it is normal to feel happy becoz having ur work getting appreciated is something so wonderful *__* haha when u see ppl smile at your work, you will feel ur efforts is not wasted! Ganbatte!! your work is actually really good! ;)

Yon said...

thanks Teh-O T_T (no emoticon canot show the emo i wanna show)XD

The Old Carson Yim said...

keep at it man, you're so inspiring to me !! made me go back to speedpainting !! Keep it up man!!!!

Yon said...

thanks carson ~ u r also 1 of the reason i started speed painting XD all of u are so inspiring i feel like heaven ~

Hikari+ said...

so did you accept it? haha =D

it feels great to have somebody appreciate your stuffs and invites you to join them because of that~ congrats to you on that, and keep up teh good work >DDDD